
variety in your postsIt is important to have variety in the posts you use to capture your audience and retain them.

Reels are a great way to attract new followers, as the algorithm pushes them out to a broader audience. So, if you have some content you can capture with your phone, it’s a great way to expand your content.

Reels aren’t refined or professional videos; most commonly, they are filmed on a phone. There are lots of different editors out there that you can use on your phone, but one I recommend is Capcut.

It is very simple to upload your clips, add a transition, and text and audio are ready to post.

Carousel posts are another form in which you use up to 10 photos or videos with your message and a call to action as the last frame. This is a great way to provide more value in your content without squishing it all into one graphic.

As your audience grows, stories are a great way to get yourself front of mind, and they can be scheduled like any other post.

It takes time to get used to creating different content if you’re running your own social media. Work with me, and I can help with the creation and inspire your next great idea.