
managing negativitySocial media managers often face a barrage of negativity online.

Managing this negativity is both mentally and emotionally draining, and it is so important to have the tools to manage it so that you can maintain your strong mental and emotional health.

It takes a lot of work to do this, as it is often very easy to fall into a destructive mindset when the negativity is overwhelming. I haven’t yet worked it out perfectly but here are a few things I try to remember when I need to.

Don’t take the negativity personally.

It’s crucial to remember that negative comments are usually directed at the brand or the product, not you as an individual, even when it feels like it. Keeping your emotions aside while responding and maintaining professionalism is key. Typing out your response on a word doc before posting publicly can help by writing what you’re thinking and editing and then editing again.

Find a constructive way to answer.

A constructive answer would be in the form of apologising if appropriate. Offering a solution to their issue and highlighting how you can improve next time. This shows value in customer feedback and the desire to improve services.

Take time off from social media and disconnect.

You will handle negativity on social media platforms with more strength if you balance your work and personal hours. Turn off/ignore the notifications, separate yourself from them so that you can rest and take personal time, and focus on socials in your allotted time.

Reach out to your support network.

It is common for the negativity to become overwhelming. When managing social media pages, in my experience, there are colleagues who assist with the page or watch over the content even if you drive the bulk of the work. Touch base with them for their opinion and thoughts on any negative messages or comments and get their help.

Utilise positive affirmations more than ever.

Negative comments can take a toll on your self-esteem and bring you down, a simple method to keep yourself in check is to use positive affirmations. Have them around you in your workspace.  Reaffirming your worth and abilities to yourself can help in maintaining a positive outlook.

Let me know about your experience with negative social media comments, and if any of the above help you.