As a small business owner, supporting other businesses and managing social media self-care becomes crucial to the daily routine.
By taking time to take care of myself regularly I see benefits through; I think more clearly, I make better decisions and I am more productive. By resting, I ensure I can operate at my best for my clients.
Running social media can be exhausting when dealing with messages and comments across multiple pages, and working in social media for so long now I have a few go-to ways to take care of myself.
Stop and Take Regular Breaks: Regular breaks from work are essential despite the pressure to stay connected. A few minutes away from the screen can reduce stress and improve productivity. I get up and walk outside in the sun, water my plants in my greenhouse, take the cat outside, sit with her, or go to the gym. These things clear the mind and help refresh on a busy day.
Limit all Notifications: Notifications can be a constant source of distraction and stress. Set specific timings to check notifications and consider turning them off during non-working hours. You might not have any notifications on at all, and allocate a task in your list to specifically go through the pages and check comments and messages to reply. This is an important tool in your self-care kit.
Stay Hydrated and Eat Well: It’s easy to lose track of time and forget to eat or drink. Keep a water bottle and healthy snacks near your workspace to stay nourished throughout the day. I always have a water bottle next to me, and it makes it so much easier to have regular sips and stay hydrated.
Create a comfortable work environment: A comfortable and organised work environment can greatly improve your mood and productivity. Take the time to set up your computer and stationary and surroundings so that you feel happy and positive. Everyone’s space will be unique to them and what they like, so take the time to do what makes you happy.
Use simple mindfulness techniques throughout the day: Mindfulness techniques can be as simple as stopping and doing a short breathing exercise, taking the time to focus on what you are eating and how it tastes and feels, or standing in the sun and focusing on what you can hear, see, and smell.
Let me know if you have some self-care tips for me, or if any of the above work for you.