We live in a fast-paced world with social media, making regular screen detox moments vital in our routine. These breaks allow us to reset and recharge, reducing fatigue, stress, and mental exhaustion.
By taking the time to detox, you improve mental health, which can help you become more creative, with your mind free to explore, think and generate new ideas. It’s important to have hobbies and participate in activities that don’t involve a screen to help you have a greater work-life balance.
The time you allocate to having a screen detox isn’t just beneficial to your mental health but is important for your overall well-being and productivity when working in a profession that is digitally oriented.
To help inspire some ways for you to detox from screens, I have written down some of my favourite ways. If you have things you do that aren’t on this list, share them with me.
Make screen-free zones in your house – this is as simple as deciding whether specific locations at home are to be device-free. I try to stay off my phone in my reading chair next to the windows, in my kitchen and around my greenhouse.
Screen Time Limits – Most devices allow you to track screen time. If you set the limits, they will alert you if you’re on it too long. This could be during work to ensure you stop and take a break every few hours or to turn it off at a certain time at night.
Do something physical – regular physical activity not only gives you screen-free detox time but promotes the creation of endorphins in your system. Walking for just 5 minutes can reduce stress. I play ice hockey and try to get to the gym, and both are extremely beneficial to my mental AND physical health.
Read real books – When you can avoid reading on your smartphone or tablet, pick up a physical book. Reading books is a great way to relax, boost your imagination, and reduce screen dependency. I find this to be a great way to unwind before bed.
Practising mindfulness regularly – I have found using mindfulness tools in my day to day enhances my daily experiences. This could be taking a break and standing in the sun on my veranda and focusing on everything I feel, smell and hear. Engaging the senses is a great way to take a break.
I hope these help, let me know if you have any detox solutions that help you