
Social Media tips

Working in social media requires allocating regular time to plan and create your weekly or monthly posts in a batch. There are always occasions when you might have a situation requiring an extra post or response, but having the bulk of your content organised in advance is one less task you must stress about daily.

Social media posting is all about consistency, and this needs to be a priority to plan for when sitting to prepare your content if it’s one post a week, or two, plan for that and stick to it.

You can leverage more time for yourself by creating your content in bulk, posting less frequently and scheduling further ahead.

Day to day, my focus is on my client’s pages and making sure they are at their best, so for an hour each week, I aim to create 6-8 pieces of content and use them to schedule 3-4 weeks in advance. Operating with this system makes my online presence consistent, and I don’t fall behind. I am also able to create additional free time for myself if I don’t have time that week to make new content, as I already have posts ready to go.

As the leading two platforms for my business are Facebook and Instagram, I utilise the meta planner to schedule all posts as it is free. I can see what I am up to in the calendar, and my grid remains visually appealing.

I have been upskilling in digital marketing recently, and three main approaches to posts need to be part of the social media plan. You need to Educate, Entertain, or Inspire with your content to get engagement and followers on your page.

Posting a variety of content and not always promoting your products or services is essential. By entertaining, educating, and inspiring your audience, you create social proof and establish authority in your industry that you know what you are talking about and that you are good at it.

​If you are stuck for inspiration, look at the content you have used in the past or perhaps videos that you can re-share and repurpose. It might be a blog that you can turn into several smaller social media posts, or a video you can turn into a blog.

​Resharing your posts might mean you take the content, redesign the graphic, use a new image, and re-write it slightly, but if it works for you, use it repeatedly.