Anxiety makes it hard to truly believe the words “I am enough” with all the insecurities, fears, and fake thoughts surging through your mind. My mantra though, “You are stronger than you think”. In my weakest and hardest moments I replay these words over and over in my mind.
It’s easy to look at social media accounts, and forget that all we see are the things that people want us to see. The hard times, the pain, they don’t make it onto social media accounts, so the work that goes into that happiness is taken for granted.
Don’t measure yourself against half the story. Everyone’s timeline is different to accomplish their life goals. Take your time, enjoy your journey. One of the biggest and sometimes hardest places to get in the way we think is the balanced feeling between having big dreams and goals, and also being ok with where we are at.
To take the steps towards those goals we have to live in the moment and enjoy the present, and its not always easy to do. Our thoughts and emotions can overwhelm us and then we can get bogged down in those thoughts, this is when you have to remember – You are stronger than you think!
When you can change the voice inside your mind from the negative self-talk to repeating to yourself “I am strong, I am enough” you will find the process of reaching your goals becomes empowered.
It is challenging for everyone to feel like they don’t have to be perfect, you’re not alone. As a human, we always have room to grow, so being able to instill the strong self-talk will help you set yourself up for success with each of your goals. Along with this, you will find you can handle other obstacles differently as they come up.
The way people should strive to be is happy within themselves. To be confident with who they are. Anxiety tries to take this away and comes in many forms, but if you fight it with the strong talk of “I am strong enough, I am enough” you will do more than you can imagine.
Sometimes it is easy to fall into the trap of the negative inner voice, it’s natural to come up with the objections and the reasons why you cant. The work is in telling yourself all the reasons why you can. When you tell yourself the positive enough, your mind and body will agree and believe you.
The positive energy that develops from the strong self-talk, will be magnetic to others who are walking this same journey. Surround yourself with the people that lift you up, and put affirmations everywhere in your environment to look at and see.