Imposter syndrome SUCKS. When it hits me, it lasts a mere few moments but it still takes its toll, even for the brief moments that it sets in. All sorts of things can trigger it, and the trick is to know how to pull yourself out of that mindset as quickly as you can.
Imposter syndrome looks different to a lot of people, for me, when I compare myself to others out there, and I put off projects or procrastinate too much, I start to doubt myself and feel insecure. I feel confident that there are many others out there who feel the same. You’re not alone!
The core relatable feeling that comes from imposter syndrome, is that feeling “I am not good enough”, “I don’t deserve this success”, “No one wants to hear what I have to say”, and to put it simply, none of these things are true. Your story is your own, no one else can tell your story like you can.
The simple and straight forward fact is that imposter syndrome is a dirty filthy liar and when you are feeling it linger, you need to ignore it and tell it to go away.
We live in a world where everyone shares their best versions on social media, and its easy to get lost in this, feel like we are the only one, feel like we dont have something to offer because everyone is so great. Behind smiles, there is not always a perfect life. As someone who is anxious, I do have a lot of great things happening, but the anxiety kicks in, and then the over thinking and imposter syndrome to go with it.
When we enter a new lane with something we have discovered we can do and that we want to offer people, it hits us and makes us feel like we are going to fail. It doesn’t pick and choose who it hits, even the most successful people feel this. It distracts you from the end goal but if you can stay focused and keep moving forward it will fade.
When imposter sydnrome hits, there are some tools you can use to combat it. Not everything will work, and some will work better for others. But when you feel it coming on, stop for a moment and keep these things in mind:
Your story is your own.
No one can tell the story of your experiences better than you. The way you grew and learnt something and developed. What you felt and went through in those moments, and someone out there could benefit from hearing YOUR journey.
I have looked at and started many different self help books but its taken time to find the set of books that have actually clicked and made a difference.
Make your inner dialogue postive.
It is so important that when you start talking negatively to yourself, that you change it. Listen to a song that makes you feel strong, read affirmations, journal away the negative speak and turn it into positive. It’s not always easy but its effective when you make a habit of it. You will find you automatically start talking to yourself nicely more often.
Perfection is a myth.
There is always room to develop what you do, wether its writing, drawing, being a doctor, art, science, whatever it is. It is human nature to always be learning constantly. So what is “Perfect” – I really feel this is a case of being misinterpreted often. Don’t over edit, dont over do the fixes and the updates, you’ll never finish if you dont let yourself accept what you’re doing at the stage it is at.
Challenge your mindset
Mindset affects how you look at something you’re working on. Imposter syndrome puts you into a mindset of not being good enough. Challenge it by telling it that you’ve learnt so much and your story and project are worthy of sharing with others
No Comparison
There is no comparison between what you can create and what someone else has done. As individuals we each have a unique perspective, so don’t fret when you see work that is better than yours. That has taken years to refine and polish, so spend your time creating your own work and as you spend your years working on it, you will have others looking at it in awe. Give yourself the chance to do it.
Inspiration is everywhere.
Literally everywhere you go you can find a source of inspiration. It could be in the trees, the fence falling down on your walk around the block, the single flower blooming in amongst the green leaves, the random conversation between two teenagers on the train or the person walking behind you talking loudly on the phone. If you are open to it, you will see it. You can seek it out through courses, and opportunities to invest and learn a new skill. You just have to do it, take it and use it.
Through all of this, it is important to understand and accept that you will transition and move in and out of comfort zones. Remind yourself of your end goal and what it is you’re working towards and remind yourself that no one can tell your story the way you can.