
I have always loved to write in my journals, ever since I was a kid and could write. My mum could vouch for all the books and paper around my room. I just loved the feeling of writing.
As I’ve gotten older and technology has improved, I have transitioned to are more digital format. It has become a calming practice, and creates great relief as I am able to put all my emotions down on paper and get them off my mind.

Journaling is a powerful creative outlet as you can write in all sorts of forms, but the benefits mentally to put everything onto paper can help get the feelings, thoughts and emotions out of your mind and onto the screen or into the book and become something that you can reflect on and grow from.

Writing down all your thoughts in this manner, on this private platform, means you do not have to censor anything or protect anyone from your bare thoughts, you can just purge everything and pour it all out onto that page or into that online journal. No one is going to be offended or upset about what you write in your personal space, if you want to share parts of it, it becomes easier to process once you’ve been able to engage all the thoughts in their bare and raw state.

The more honest you can be with yourself as you journal, and the more you write, the more you can learn from yourself and grow. If you take the time to look over what you’ve written and reflect on your feelings and your growth, you can learn how to understand yourself better.
Trends over time start to become visible, where you can see that your mood is influenced by certain occasions and interactions. You can see how you cope with interactions with specific people but the trick is to reflect back periodically to see what you can learn.

When writing out our thoughts, we can start to find ways around solving problems. A great way to help promote this is to find a journal that offers prompts and questions that you can answer within your journal entry, even in pinterest and online google search can help give you some ideas for what to write to help process some of the internal emotions you might be battling with.

If you’re working towards a goal, something you want to achieve, its a great way to log how it is progressing. Use your journal time to include updates and the postive and negative feelings around what you’re working on. This can help give a positive push towards succeeding at those goals if you brainstorm within that writing session the ups and downs and how you get through it.