
Some days it feels impossible to love myself. This is a feeling I think is relatable to many.
The world has a way of making you feel like you’re drowning and its overwhelming.

On those days, using various mindfulness techniques, can help bring you back to a centered place wether through reading, podcasts, listening to music, or even just setting in with a cup of tea and a mandala colouring in.

Pinterest has a bountiful supply of ideas, journal prompts and ways to help you sit and practice self love. You can also visit the free resources section of the website for; self love cards that you can type into on your computer or print out and hand write onto.
There is also a 5 page download of mandala’s that you can colour in. You can access them from here: https://kismetva.com.au/free-resources/

Taking the time to journal allows you to release and let go of emotions and stress. Its a safe venting space that is just between you and you and can be very cleansing.
Playing the playlist of songs that make you feel strong and empowered. Sitting in the sun reading books can be rejouvinating and relaxing.

When the world is clouding in around you and you find it hard to breathe, allow yourself to stop and take a breath and just give yourself some time. It’s ok to say no and put everyone else on hold to take care of yourself.