
I love taking photos, and it has become easier and easier with the technological improvements of mobile phones. Ever since I was little I was always the subject of my mum’s photos, I have never been camera shy. As I got older I was lucky I got the hand-me-down cameras from mum as she upgraded.

I remember being limited to film, and my first film camera. Learning to be selective of the subjects, taking my time to set up the shot and “click” … Then waiting for it to be printed to see if it worked, but first I had to get through the roll, and drop it off and wait for it to be developed.

When I got my first digital camera I was excited. It was a brick, it was big and heavy but I loved the freedom to take as many photos as I liked and learning how to play with the angles, look and feel of the photo and develop my photographic skills. As a result, I have so many memories captured in the experiments, but also in the locations that I was able to take the photos.

These days, it is so easy to choose a phone with a good camera, and that is just what I do. I love capturing moments and video’s of places I go and things I do. Its so important to stop and savour the moments you’re in but there is a special magic for me in being able to keep that moment and return to it, anytime I want.

One of the most relaxing sounds that I love, is the sound of rain. Each time it rains, wherever I am, I stop and savour the feeling, the sound, the smell because it is such a relaxing moment in time. It doesn’t rain every day, I cant be in that feeling all the time. In those moments, grab a minute or two of video so that when I am stressed, I can take myself back to that place anytime I want.

An important step I take in making the memories not just the photos, are the moments I slow down and make the mindful choice that the direction of the image, the quality of the light, the framing of the image and the colours are right.

So, pay attention to the scenery, concentrate on the process of taking the picture and what is in the photo. When you do this, your images will resonate stronger with more details in that memory of that moment. Social media has thrust a new meaning to taking photos, where people use it to show off. I love my instagram account as it feels like a photographic digital diary of my moments, and through an app called TimeHop, those days pop up each year to remind me what I was doing previous years.

My other favourite accessory to my camera phone is my Sprocket printer. It prints out wallet size photos using heat, and I can put them up on my memory board. Special moments get put up so I can see them in my home.

It can be powerful in your anxious moments to use your photos and video’s to capture those moments that calm you and make you feel the most relaxed, so that anytime you need it, you can take yourself back to that moment and find your peace.